Originally published at: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/vim-text-editor-find-and-replace-all-text/
I am a new Linux user. I started to use vim or vi text editor. How do I find all occurrence of the word called ‘eth0’ and replace it with ‘br0’ on Linux operating systems?
You can use the substitute command. Type “:” to go to the command mode. Then
- 1,$ from line 1 to the last line ($ means “last”)
- s: the substitute command
- / a character used to define the string. It can be something else. For example, if in the string you want to substitute there is a slash, you can use @.
- eth0: the string you are looking for
- / : character to delimit the first string and to start the second one
- br0: the string you substituting to eth0
- / again…
- g: optional parameter. Measn global. If in one line you have more than one occurrence, all of them are substituted.
Very powerful command, and fast!
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