Hey! A few days late here, but I made a really basic version of what you are asking for on my home media server. Currently it is a series (could be condensed or redone) of shell scripts that are set to run as cronjobs. Currently it used grep to grab to sensors output for specific information, and does this with disk information; then appends it to given files; then once a day compile the days logs (runs every 30min) to one large log file with that days date (used date command). Then finally move the finished log file to a given archive directory. To expand on this with some future intentions/ideas…I have been wanting to take the archiving a step further and add by week, then month, then by year archiving per directory. Additionally adding more points of data for log collections could be cool/useful. Hope this helps. Read this on twitter and wanted to share some work I’ve done. Wishing you the best! -Boomer