Linux get size of a executable file command

What is the best command to get size of a executable file in Linux operating systems? Some says ls`` and other says size``` command? Which one I need to use?

You need to use the ls -l command to get size of a executable file. For example, get size of the /bin/date executable, run:

ls -l /bin/date
ls -l ls -l /usr/sbin/userdel 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 100568 Jan 18  2018 /bin/date
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 84464 Mar 23 00:35 /usr/sbin/userdel

So 100568 and 84464 is file size. On other hand, the size command list section sizes, total size and other data structure of exe file:

size /bin/date
