Actually i have done yum update command to upgrade, but it upgraded to 7.6.
#cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Else let me know how to rollback my yum update to 7.2 and can any one guide me.
Thanks in advance.
yes, when you run yum upgrade it install latest possible release. It is recommended that you always use latest stable version. Are you facing any problem with 7.6?
For rollback you need to look into yum history and do rollback on all updates. After that you need to create 7.3 update repo and run yum upgrade. My experience shows you might end up doing more damage. So I won’t recommend rollback and 7.3 upgrade option.
Thanks for your inputs…
actually i am trying to install mapR tool, but this tool will support RHEL/CENTOS 7.3 to 7.5 versions.
I see. Do you have backups? That is the easiest way to go back.
Here is my page explaining history and rollback command
Whatever you do always keep backups of all important data. That is sysadmin 101. Good luck!