I have below line in multiple files
module load ibmdb2/client/10.1.3
I want to replace this line with below 3 lines.
DB_Ver=`grep -w 'DB_Version' $INFA_CONFIG | cut -d '=' -f 2`
module load ibmdb2/client/$DB_Ver
Can you please help on this ?
Try the following syntax:
sed -e 's+module load ibmdb2/client/10.1.3+INFA_CONFIG="$HOME/config/research_dw_rt_$ENV_VAR.cfg"\nDB_Ver=`grep -w 'DB_Version' $INFA_CONFIG | cut -d '=' -f 2`\n&+g'
The \n
will add a new line as per your needs and the filnal &
will replace the search string module load ibmdb2/client/10.1.3
See https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-use-sed-to-find-and-replace-text-in-files-in-linux-unix-shell/