How to install KVM server on Debian Linux 9 Headless Server

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Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is a virtualization module for the Linux kernel that turns it into a hypervisor. How can I install KVM with bridged networking, setup guest operating system as the back-end virtualization technology for non-graphic Debain Linux 9.x server? You can use KVM to run multiple operating systems such as Windows, *BSD, Linux…

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Hi there, it’s a very interesting reading, thank you. I wonder if I can setup the same way a VM for a different platform, say ARM6/7, see raspberry. I will find it very usefull, as your great article. Have a good day!

ARMv8-A processors include support for KVM virtualization. It is possible to run KVM on RPI3 but it will be slow. See the following for more info:

  1. Processor support - KVM
  2. Microprocessor Cores and Processor Technology – Arm®

Why not write the very crucial information when creating the bridged network that the IP subnet should match the one on your router and therefore might not be 192.168.2.xx?? And that should be replaced with whatever static IP address you would the host to have…

You also have a mistake. It should be /etc/network/interfaces.d/br0 instead of /etc/network/interfaces/br0

But still I couldn’t get the bridged network to work properly. My main interface was called enp9s0 and I couldn’t get rid of it’s IPv4 address, and I couldn’t start up br0 (it said state UNKNOWN). When I did ifup br0 it complained that eth0 didn’t exists/found/worked…

But still I couldn’t get the bridged network to work properly. My main interface was called enp9s0 and I couldn’t get rid of it’s IPv4 address, and I couldn’t start up br0 (it said state UNKNOWN). When I did ifup br0 it complained that eth0 didn’t exists/found/worked…

Can you post your config file? Also post output of the following commands:

ip a | grep '^[0-9]'

I will fix the typo for file name soon. Thanks for the heads up!

Sorry, I have dropped trying to set KVM for now and have already cleaned out the system. Thanks for replying though!

Hi nixCraft,

in 3 words: a great article

Only one thing, for which I have to blame myself - me as a KVM+bridge beginner was expecting the VM to get exactly the same IP as the bridge. I was pushing it hard getting nowhere, till I’ve checked, that the bridge IP is shared for ALL VMs and the VM has to get an own IP.

After 5 hours trying I’ve got it right.

Thanks again

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