Originally published at: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-disable-ssh-password-login-on-linux/
I want to disable ssh clients from accessing using the password and only allow ssh login using SSH keys. How do I disable password authentication for SSH on Linux operating systems?
set : PasswordAuthentication no
in: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
restart the ssh deamon
Why was it necessary to create a new user? Could I have just used an existing user?
Yes, you can use existing user too. Say add user tom to sudo, run:
sudo usermod -aG sudo tom
I will update the page soon. Thanks for the feedback.
Hello, I would like to try ssh login using SSH public key however I don’t want to disable password authentication for current SSH current. How can I manage to enable it only for me on a Linux operating system?
What would be the best approach for it? Thank you
Have a great day
You just upload/copy your ssh key. That is all. Rest of the users will enter password but you can login using ssh.
I have created a public key with: ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -f rsaForPythonScript
on my Linux server. I copied the entire key (from initial ssh-rsa to last character: user@ipserver) and paste on my SSH client.
Now I have the public key on both sides at this directory: /home/username/.ssh
However, I am still being prompt to enter a password when login. Am I missing something else? I want to enable password-less login only for me as a first test.
Thanks in advance for comments.
Kind regards,
Did you installed key using the ssh-copy-id command for your remote server?
ssh-copy-id -i /path/to/rsaForPythonScript.pub user@server
You need to specify rsaForPythonScript for login:
ssh -i /path/to/rsaForPythonScript.pub user@server
Add the -v to see why key is not accepted:
ssh -v -i /path/to/rsaForPythonScript.pub user@server