I can’t start the second command after the poetry shell was already spawn
i got this error bash: && uvicorn app:main:app --reload: command not found
what should I do ??
I have tried outside double quotes but it still same error, also got the same error with this script (it has the same path I installed uvicorn inside the poetry shell). start "" "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --cd="C:\Users\chat_\projects\backend" -c "poetry shell" && --cd="C:\Users\chat_\projects\backend" "uvicorn app:main:app --reload" $SHELL
this command has spawn shell but uvicorn still not running. bash: && uvicorn app:main:app --reload: command not found
I have tried this command but it was immediately closed(bash command not found & exit code) and did not run the command after I run the script, I want the shell to be still open.