Help to add conditions in linux script

Hello, I have a script where I monitor some notifications received via telegram, these notifications are redirected to a file called input.txt and the script is fed precisely by this file.

Example of the content inserted in input.txt:

Price: 0.006813
change: +1.6%
Count Number: 1

Price: 0.006969
change: +2.3%
Count Number: 2

Price: 0.007060
change: +1.3%
Count Number: 3

Price: 0.007300
change: +3.4%
Count Number: 4

Price: 0.007453
change: +2.1%
Count Number: 5

Output after script execution:

Price: 0.006813
change: +1.6%
Count Number: 1

Price: 0.006969
change: +3.9%
Count Number: 2

Price: 0.007060
change: +5.2%
Count Number: 3

Price: 0.007300
change: +8.6%
Count Number: 4

Price: 0.007453
change: +10.7%
Count Number: 5

The function of the script is to add incrementally the item “change:”

Up to this point everything is ok and the script has been working, however I have two problems and I need to implement two conditions for this to be solved.

1- The percentage needs to be calculated incrementally/increasingly, within a window of 0 to a maximum of 30 minutes between one notification and another, from minute 31, the incremental calculation of the percentage needs to be reset/restarted, starting a new one calculation cycle

2- I need a condition where the value contained in the item “Price:” in the current notification is not less than the value of the previous notification, example:

Current notification:
Price: 0.006825

Previous notification:
Price: 0.007453

If this occurs in any of the 2 scenarios, the cycle must be automatically restarted and the sum of percentages reset to zero.

Any ideas how I can solve this little problem in my script?

I have the 2 scripts below and they both do the same thing, if you can help me tweak the 2 scripts I’d appreciate it

Script in perl:
I execute as follows:
perl -lp ./ input.txt

#!/usr/bin/perl -lp

if (/^#Price_Notification_Product/) {
  $prod = $_;
} elsif (/^change: ([^%]*)%/) {
  $products{$prod} += $1;
  $_ = "change: +$products{$prod}%";

Script with awk:


awk '
/^#Price_Notification_Product/ {
  prod = $0;
/^change: / {
  products[prod] += $2;
  $2 = "+" products[prod] "%"
1' /opt/scripts/input.txt