Hi All,
How are you doing? I am new to this forum and I learn a lot from reading all the interesting posts. I have an issue today and below is the error from my FTPs session. do you know what is the cause and how do I fix it?
Thank you all in advance!.
15:47:00 Status: Resolving address of secureftp.example.com
15:47:00 Status: Connecting to 203.2xx.xxx.xxx:21…
15:47:00 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
15:47:00 Response: 220 FTP server ready.
15:47:00 Command: AUTH TLS
15:47:00 Response: 502-Auth command is not supported.
15:47:00 Response: 502-Please contact your network administrator to enable FTPS service.
15:47:00 Response: 502
15:47:20 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
15:47:20 Error: Could not connect to server
15:47:20 Status: Waiting to retry…
15:47:24 Error: Connection attempt interrupted by user