CentOS Linux 7.7 released and here is how to update it

Originally published at: https://www.cyberciti.biz/linux-news/centos-linux-7-released-and-here-is-how-to-update-it/

The CentOS Linux project has released an updated version of its stable Linux distribution CentOS Linux 7.7. You must upgrade to get corrections for security problem as this version made a few adjustments for the severe issue found in CentOS 7.6. CentOS is a Linux distro that is mainly maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer their time and effort. It is based upon RHEL 7.7 upstream source code.

If we upgrade from 7.6 to 7.7 Linux , do we have reinstall all the software (like Oracle DB) again on new version of OS 7.7 or it will retian the installed softwares (like DB) on new version


No need to reinstall any software including Oracle database server. However, like everything else in IT, it is recommended that you keep backups.

If we are doing in place upgrade we can just take back up of complete server and upgrade right and if it is full upgrade then it will be complete new servers so install of Oracle Db is required

If you install a new CentOS 7.7, install Oracle DB.

I think in place upgrade should work withing reinstalling Oracle DB.

Can we directly upgrade Linux server from 7.2 to 7.7 version? what are all the things to take care in such upgrade? Please explain

yes, you can. However, we need to backup all important stuff such as:

  1. Databases
  2. Configuration files
  3. /home/ dirs and all other user stored data
  4. Running cron jobs and everything else.

You can also use LVM snapshot to rollbacks if failed. But, having reliable backup is a must. Good luck!