Awk script : display name of file and cut this name?

Hello there !

I have this script :

echo "<table>"
for fn in /var/www/cgi-bin/LPAR_MAP/*.csv;
echo "<td>"
echo "<PRE>"

awk -F',|;' '{ $0=$1","$2","$5","$6","$7} /'$test'/ { if (!a[$0]++) 
print "DATE ================= : " FILENAME 
printf "LPARS : %s\n", $2
printf "RAM : %s\n", $3
printf "CPU1 : %s\n", $4
printf "CPU2 : %s\n", $5
print ""
}' $fn

echo "</PRE>"
echo "</td>"
echo "</table"


That allow me to display some informations from many CSV files ( 276 CSV files… ) like that :

This script allow me to :

  • delete duplicate lines with if (!a[$0]++)
  • Display the name of the file that the informations belongs

But, I would like to display only one filename and under it, all the informations from this file :

 Date ======== 201908XX      Date ======== 201908XX      Date ======== 201908XX
 LPARS : XX                  LPARS : XX                  LPARS : XX
 RAM : XX                    RAM : XX                    RAM : XX
 CPU 1 : XX                  CPU 1 : XX                  CPU 1 : XX
 CPU 2 : XX                  CPU 2 : XX                  CPU 2 : XX

And I would like to change the ouput of the FILENAME variable :

DATE =================== /var/www/cgi-bin/LPAR_MAP/PowerSys-LPARmap-20180122.csv


DATE =================== 20180122

To keep only the date. I have this piece of script :

{ split(FILENAME,a,"[-.]");print "FILENAME ========================== : " a[4] }

But I have no idea to how integrate this piece of script in my awk script…

Do you have any idea ?

Thank you ! :slight_smile:

First make a backup of your existing script.


print "DATE ================= : " FILENAME 


split(FILENAME,a,"[-.]"); print "DATE ================= : " a[3]