6 Github alternatives that is open source and self-hosted

Originally published at: https://www.cyberciti.biz/open-source/github-alternatives-open-source-seflt-hosted/

Git is a version control system. Linus Torvalds created Git in 2005 for development of the Linux kernel. Git is mainly used for software source code management. However, it can be used to keep track of any set of files such as HTML or CSS or a tutorial written in the markup language. Git is a Distributed Version Control Systems. A dedicated Git server helps to manage access control, show contents of a Git repository via the web and manage multiple repositories. In a Git, clients do not just check out the latest snapshots of the files. They entirely mirror the repository including history.

“Linus Torvalds created Git in 2005 for development of the Linux kernel. Git is mainly used for software source code management.

Some of us working in IT for a long time. We have not forgotten big evil Microsoft. …”

I believe that this will impact Linux future and the “collective-free-effort”. Very sad.

I would like to hear from Linus Torvalds a comments on this deal and how this will end base on FSF community progress.

Very sad about this “money” oriented future of Git, but I do understand that we all need to have money in this global capital oriented society (ie. in this space-time moment).

I don’t want to stirr against corporations that decide to fund and stabilize the open source community, but I can see how you are critical. Nevertheless OSDN.net should be a good choice for open source developers and many sites fail to mention it. You get Git, SVN and Mercurial so pick your poison :wink:

I am an active dev on that site myself and it has recently asked for contributions. Please consider supporting it!

The site is comparable to GNU Savannah as you have listed in your article because you have to get approved to host code.