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LinuxDiscussion for new and experienced Linux users. Ask a question about any Linux distribution. You should use Linux category to post questions about:
nixCraft ArticlesGeneral discussion and comments around nixCraft articles. Not for Q & A or support. If you have a Linux or Unix support question, please post it in the Linux or Unix help category.
UnixAsk a question about any UNIX distribution. All HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, macOS (OS X), and Unix questions here.
Scripting/ProgrammingAsk a question about Perl, Python, Shell scripting and any other programming related topics here.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
IT (Hardware/Server/Networking)Ask a question about servers, computers, laptop, printers, hardware, and networking gear (routers/wifi) here.
TutorialsUse the Tutorial category to submit your in-depth tutorials related to Linux, Unix, macOS, shell scripting and programming, and IT topics only.
*BSDAsk a question about any BSD distribution. All FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and *BSD questions here.
Single Board ComputersQuestions about Embedded single board ARM or x86 computers powered by Linux or *BSD operating systems.